レザーアクセサリーでご機嫌気分 手元が寂しくなる。そんな時は丁寧にレザーで作られたお花モチーフのアクセサリーを主役に。どんなスタイルでも華やかに彩ってくれるのでコーディネートの主役にしてもよし、ワンポイントでつけていただくのにも最適です。 Items used Coquettetote bag Silver $2,351.00 U-DOTsneaker Black $1,984.00 Neutral Graytote bag Lavender $1,763.00 Coquetteshoulder bag Black $2,645.00 Sold Out SelieuAccessory 白色&粉綠色&藍色 $3,012.00 SelieuAccessory 白色&黃色 $3,012.00 aonecolong wallet Charcoal Grey $1,198.00 Brands used A wide variety of items that are unique in design but soft when used Coquette. A soft, lightweight shoe brand that wraps the foot in a single piece of leather U-DOT These are lightweight products that, once used, you won't want to let go of. Neutral Gray A leather accessory brand that naturally brings a smile to your face when you wear it. Selieu. Transparent protective cat support brand aoneco WEEKEND Item Collection