NEWオフィススタイル シンプルながらも、どこか個性的な綺麗めなお仕事スタイリング。カラフルな小物や財布でお仕事中も気分が上がりそう。 Items used Neutral Graytote bag Gray $1,765.00 Flathority<Flathority>teema限定 TE Click Coin Case(M)/黃色 $331.00 Flathority<Flathority>teema限定 TE Click Coin Case(M)/紅色 $331.00 Sold Out Neutral Grayfolded wallet silver-white $1,177.00 bell la bell Greige $383.00 bell la bellcoin purse Purple $383.00 IUIloafers Grey x White $2,132.00 Brands used These are lightweight products that, once used, you won't want to let go of. Neutral Gray Brands with elegant design and comfortable leather bell la bell We want to support your one and only self-expression. Shoes Brand IUI Elegant, high quality focused brand Flathority. WORK Item Collection