カジュアルスタイルをおしゃれに!お出かけレザーバッグ カジュアルなデニムやTシャツスタイルには、印象も軽くなるローファーや個性的な形のバッグでカジュアルなスタイルを格上げしましょう! Items used ESTINEshoulder bag Black $3,061.00 LEZALItote bag Sky $1,225.00 KENFORD樂福鞋 Scotch Black $1,148.00 Coquetteshoulder bag Navy $1,684.00 野村製作所long wallet Silver $1,378.00 Brands used Modest, modern, and somewhat eye-catching design ESTINE Offering quality products for the business world. KENFORD Developing products such as miscellaneous accessories that are a little more interesting and useful LEZALI A wide variety of items that are unique in design but soft when used Coquette. Nomura Seisakusho has been making small leather goods since 1923. Nomura Manufacturing Co. WEEKEND Item Collection